Kumpulan SMS Valentine I Kata Kata SMS Valentine

Kumpulan SMS Valentine / Ucapan Valentine di Facebook / Ucapan Kartu Valentine bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan SMS ValentineTak terasa sudah memasuki bulan kedua ditahun 2012, di bulan februari ada hari khusus yang merupakan simbol dari kasih sayang yang biasa disebut Valentine, hampir semua orang merayakannya dengan mengirimkan cokelat atau bunga untuk orang yang disayangi, bahkan banyak juga yang memberikan sentuhan yang dalam dengan memberikan ungkapan-ungkapan yang bisa membuat pasangan tercinta luluh.

Berikut ini ada beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa dibuat SMS atau ucapan didinding Facebook, twitter atau mengisi ucapan dikartu valentine dengan bahasa Inggris.

What i need to live
has been given to me
by the earth...

why i need to live
has been given to me
by you my Valentine day !!!

Happy Valentine day
Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart..
Know why?
Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
If loving u is wrong, then i don't wanna be right.
My love for u is strong & brighter than any light
The way we must go is long but we'll win every fight
Let love be the guide to your dreams,
let love be the light to your heart,
let your love be the reason why somebody else's heart still continues to beat
You put the fun in together,
The sad in apart,
The hope in tomorrow,
The joy in my heart
If I could give u one thing in life,
I would give u the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
only then would u realise how special u r to me..
I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose,
and then I looked at you,
and I kept looking at you, 
for the rose isn't a beautiful as you. 2
Never waste an opportunity 2 say "I Love You" to someone u really like,
Coz it is not everday u'll meet the person who has the magic to let u fall in love
A sea is for U
And waves r 4 me
The sky is 4 U
And stars r 4 me
The sun is 4 U
And light is 4 me.
Everything is 4 U
And you r 4 me..

Happy Valentine Day...
Like a bright sunshine on a dreary day
Like the assuring moonlight on a murky night
Like a fresh blossom on a barren land
you're the joy of my life
I'll love you till eternity
and beyond!!
You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with.
True love means:
2 feel someone in ever heartbeat,
2 find someone in every thought,
2 See someone with closed eyes,
and 2 miss someone without good reason :)

V = Valentine; You are my Only Valentine
A = I will always be yours
L = Love at Its most extreme
E = Everlasting Love; Ecstatic Love.
N = Never - Ending Love
T = We Will Always Be Together Forever
I = You Being Intelligent and Innocent
N = Natures Naughty Way of Saying I Love You To
E = Eternity Our Love Is so Ever Lasting

48+2 Members can sit in a Bus..
5+1 can sit in a car
3+1 can sit in a auto
1+1 can sit in a Bike
Only 1 can sit in my Heart,
That's 'U' My dear Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day
Is A "Lovely" Day
For All " Lovers"
And I think It's Also U!
Because U R My Best Lovely
"Happy Valentine's Day"
As the Rose Speads Its Fragrance
But Share your Heart
With Those Who Knows
The Symphony Of Your Heart Beats...!!!

Happy Valentine Day
For You see
Each Day I love you more
Today More Than yesterday
And less than Tomorrow
Happy Valentine Day
If a butterfly comes close to U
If a purfumed rose touches ur face,
If Ur mobile dances on a nice tone,
remember its me trying to say U
'Happy Valentine's day'
Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts
A text from U never fails to make me slile the whole day throught
If any beautiful girl call u DOG, then u dont be upset bcoz full form of DOG is...?

D.... Demand
O.... Of
G.... Girl

So next time dont upset...!
Happy Valentine's Day

Ayo dipilih-dipilih, kalo kurang cocok masih bisa dimodif lagi... tergantung dari selera anda, semoga bermanfaat dan pasangan anda semakin sayang

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